

European Collaboration of Creative Institutes for Transition Education


ECCITE is the European Collaboration of Creative Institutes for Transition Education initiated by three leading creative institutions, Plymouth College of Art, Ernst-Litfaß-Schule (Berlin) and the Royal Academy of The Hague.

ECCITE seeks to bring together leaders, practitioners and educators whose focus is transition learning. 

 This may be between school and higher education, between school and employment, between school & society, between vocational education and general education for the creative industries.

Through this network the purpose is to engage with education in the 21st century through knowledge exchange, development of international understanding and platform to collaborate on innovative & sustainable responses to issues identified. 

Matias Shortcook, Dirk Zellmer, Timo Albers, Zanne Zwart

Matias Shortcook - Chair of SWASH Network, member of UK Council for Creative UK. Previously Dean for Pre Degree at Plymouth College of Art (till 2020) and Vice Principal (Innovation, Quality & Performance)

Chelsea Centre for the Creative Industries, Morley College London (till May 2024)

Dirk Zellmer - Auslandskontakte und Projektkoordination Fachseminar Druck- und Medientechnik, Ernst-Litfass-Schule Berlin

Zanne Zwart - Head of Preparatory Courses Fine Art and Design, Royal Academy of Arts The Hague

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